Thursday, September 28, 2017

NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 114:
Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 32:

Hence all differences due to mental delusion
Should be demolished completely
And the state of the Undivided Nature established
By always practicing the bhava (conviction, attitude) of the Undivided Absolute.
The bhava (conviction, altitude) itself will not arise in the Minds
That are not of an inquiring nature.
The non-inquiring Mind is the enemy because of which
People get submerged in the Ocean of Birth—Death cycle.

Knowledgeless non-inquiry is the abode of Ignorance.
It will hide from sight the Knowledge
That confer endless blessings.
Instead it will project an insurmountable imagination.
It will not let one abide in the perfectly full nature.
It is the seed, without a peer, for all overwhelming fear.
In a trice, it will accumulate sankalpa (concept, fixed idea) & vikalpa (doubt, difference, imagination)
And a million modifications of the Mind.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

The known depends on the knower and does not exist apart from the knower. Consciousness can never be a known or unknown object.

Consciousness is self-luminous. None knows it. It knows all. It knows itself. Thought is only Consciousness, yet Consciousness is not thought. The world in the senses, the senses in the thinking process, thinking within Consciousness; Consciousness is vast and formless, this is the clear perspective. The origin of the universe is the origin of one's present experience. It is Consciousness. All things originate from That which is not a thing. All thoughts derive from That which is not any of them. That is formless, inconceivable Consciousness. 

There is no experience apart from Consciousness. Consciousness alone appears as all experience. Known as it is, Consciousness has no appearance whatsoever. That which illumines thoughts, sensory perceptions, and all experience is known by none of these. It is Consciousness, formless, and infinite. All experience rises, appears, and dissolves in Consciousness, which has no rise, appearance, or dissolution. He who knows the Truth of the Self has neither birth nor death, neither attachment nor fear, for he is one with Consciousness. First, see that Consciousness contains all that is ever experienced. Then, see that Consciousness is forever unmodified and there is no all for it to contain. Only Consciousness can know itself.  Nothing else can do so.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

Knowing that our Mind possesses this wonderful power of creation & self-deception, is it not reasonable for us to suspect that the Body we take to be "I" & the World we take to be real in our present Waking state may in fact be nothing more than a mere imagination or mental projection, just like the Body & World that we experience in Dream? What evidence do we have that the Body & World we experience in this Waking state are anything other than a creation of our own Mind? We may be able to point out certain differences between Waking & Dream, but on analysis we will discover that those differences are superficial, being concerned with quality or quantity rather than with substance.  If we compare the World drama we see in Waking or Dream to a drama we see on a cinema screen, we may say that the drama seen in Waking is a better quality & more impressive production than that seen in Dream, but both are productions none the less – productions not of some external agency but of our Mind which sees them.  In substance, there is no essential difference between our experience in Waking & that in Dream. In both states our Mind rises, attaching itself to a Body by taking it to be "I", & through the Senses of that Body it sees a World bound within the limits of Time & Space, & filled with numerous people & other objects, both sentient & insentient, all of which it is convinced are real. How can we prove to our self that what we experience in the Waking state exists at all outside our own imagination, any more than a Dream exists outside our imagination?   

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:

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Duplicates available on:

"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.  the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:
NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 113:
Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 32:

lf you are not continuously of such bhava (conviction. attitude).
The distortion of the restless Mind will not cease.
Is it not the distortion of the restless Mind
That gives rise to the misery of this World ?
Tell me how the Mind's real nature, whole and faultless, be impressed
Upon the understanding of those
Who have had the distortion of their Mind
Destroyed by such deep, daily bhava (conviction. attitude) ?

How will the wearisome Bondage of Worldly existence be loosened
For those who wander about without being established in their own nature ?
Howsoever they try, the base Bondage of Worldly existence can never be destroyed
For those who have not found their True Nature.
As the wrong understandings of the restless Mind are resolutely destroyed
For those who adopt an unwavering bhava (conviction. altitude).
Their Natural State will result,
Without any taint of veiling or confusion.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

The Teaching of Non-Duality, when inwardly “received” & meditated upon, & then experienced, results on the destruction of all Delusion & Illusion, & in the Realization of the Self. That Teaching is what unfailingly puts an end to all of the imagined “bondage” (illusion of being a mortal individual capable of suffering). To “receive” this Teaching & to come to know it is the dawn of SelfKnowledge. Meditate on this Teaching, applying one’s own effort to awaken from the Illusion of Duality & thus gain clarity on Knowledge. To merge with its meaning is the direct experience of absorption in Knowledge. Be so absorbed in it that it is one’s very Identity & eliminated all possibility of Duality. Thus the state of Knowledge & Being are one & the same in Self-Realization.

Reality is comprehended by Reality itself. This is Self-Knowledge, the all-comprehensive Knowledge of Reality.  Such does not entail an all-comprehensive of the endless details of illusory objective things (science), or of the wide variety of spiritual practices (religions & paths) or states of mind (philosophy & psychology. Rather the Teaching of Non-Duality & resulting Self-Knowledge amounts to fixed gaze upon the Infinite, which is pure Consciousness & Existence, the sole-existent Non-Dual Reality. Self-Knowledge is Knowledge of the Absolute Self which is Reality, 1withouta2nd, apart from which, there is nothing else.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

The Truth discovered by means of Vedanta is not something that can be demonstrated or proved objectively by one person to another. It can, however, be directly experienced as a clear knowledge in the innermost core of each person who scrupulously pursues the necessary process of Discernment until the True Nature of Being – which is the True Nature of Consciousness, & of Happiness – is revealed in the full clarity of pure unadulterated Self-Consciousness.  Vedanta does involve doing anything. It is an art not of doing but of non-doing – an art of just being.  The state of just being is one in which our Mind does not rise to do, think or know anything, yet it is a state of full consciousness – consciousness not of anything else but only of Being. The skill that is to be learnt in this art is not simply the skill to be – because we always are & therefore require no special skill or effort to be –, nor is it merely the skill to be without doing or thinking anything – because we are able to be so each day in Deep Dreamless Sleep. The skill to be cultivated is the skill to remain calmly & peacefully without doing or thinking anything, but nevertheless retaining a perfectly clear consciousness of Being – that is, consciousness of our own being or essential Existence. Only in this pristine state of clear non-dual Self-Conscious being, unclouded by the distracting agitation of thought & action, will the True Nature of Being become perfectly clear, obvious, self- evident & free from even the least scope for doubt or confusion.  Our first & most direct experience of Being is that of our own Being or Existence.

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:

or with Caps-sensitive:

Duplicates available on:

"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.  the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 112:
Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 30:

Since it is only Supreme Brahman, which is Consciousness alone.
That appears as the World, the Individual, & the Supreme.
All this World and Individuals. though countable,
Are nothing. else, but only Consciousness alone.
Do the bracelets and others that are composed only of gold
Constitute anything apart from gold ?
Can the pot & the dish & others that are mere clay
Be even a trace of anything except clay ?

Even though the Undivided, perfectly full Brahman
Is seen as the World by the Ignorant,
This manifold World will be seen as the Supreme
By the fully knowledgeable.
Even though the rope is directly in front
Appears to the uncomprehending as a snake,
We have seen the principle of that snake [appearance]
Manifesting as an actual rope [Reality] only to the knowledgeable .

That state of being full of changeless Awareness
ls the unparalleled Liberation.
Those who have attained that great State
Will never again be in sorrow, never again have any blemish, will attain Joy,
Will be the ones who have accomplished all they have to do,
And will remain ever the one Supreme Nature,
For those, who are af the nature of the exalted Supreme,
There are none of the problems of this misery of repetitive Birth and Death.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

That which knows the presence or absence of thoughts is neither. Neither obscures or clarifies That. Consciousness, which is the knower, is never defined by the known. That in which the three states of waking, dreaming, and deep, dreamless sleep, with all that they contain, appear, as the illusion of motion in That which is ever still, of form in the Formless, or a modification in That which is immutable, is the Reality of infinite Consciousness. Consciousness requires no light other than itself to illumine itself. The entire manifestation is rightly said to be only one small corner in the infinite, formless Consciousness. Examining a corner to see what actually is the corner, it reduces itself to a single conceptual dot. That dot is the notion of an "other," a "second." In Ultimate Truth, as there are no corners in space, there is not a sing objective thing in the Reality of the Self.

Negate the attributes superimposed on the Self and the concepts about the Absolute, and realize their identity. The Self is: in all sentient beings, the Consciousness which is their Being; in all things, the unseen Existence which is; in all locations, the space; in all Space, the vastness; in all Time, the endlessness, in every heart, the Love.

Veiling and differentiation are the characteristics of ignorance. As dimension of depth of the image in a mirror does not truly exist, so differentiation does not exist in the one Self. Meditate on Consciousness without an object. If you ask yourself what do you know for certain, you will release all ideas and form and abide in ever-existent Being. There is no creation and no destruction, no birth and no death, no bondage and no liberation from bondage, no ignorance and no knowledge, no path and no achievement, none ignorant and none who know, no one bound and no one striving to be liberated and no one liberated. This is the highest final Truth.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

We all believe "I am this Body", "I am a person", "I am called so-and-so, & was born on such-and-such a date at such-and-such a place". Thus we identify our consciousness "I am" with a particular Body. This identification is the result of a confused & unclear knowledge of the true nature of Consciousness.  Our consciousness "I am" is not something material, whereas our Body is merely a bundle of physical matter, which is not inherently conscious. Yet somehow we are deluded into mistaking this material Body to be our consciousness "I". As a result of our unclear knowledge of consciousness, we mistake matter to be conscious, & consciousness to be something material.  That which thus mistakes this Body to be "I" is our Mind. Our Mind comes into existence only by imagining itself to be a Body. In  Deep Sleep we are unaware of either our Mind or our Body. As soon as we wake up, our Mind rises feeling "I am this Body, I am so-and-so", & only after thus identifying itself as a particular Body does it perceive the external World through the 5 Senses of that Body.  Exactly the same thing happens in Dream – our Mind identifies itself as a particular Body & through the 5 Senses of that Body it perceives a seemingly real & external World. When we wake up from a Dream, we understand that the Body we mistook to be "I" & the World we mistook to be real & external were both in fact only figments of our imagination.  Thus from our experience in Dream we all know that our Mind has a wonderful power of imagination by which it is able to create a Body, to mistake that imaginary Body to be "I", & through that Body to project a World which, at the time we perceive it, appears to be every bit as real &  external to us as the World that we now perceive in this Waking state.

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:

or with Caps-sensitive:

Duplicates available on:

"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.  the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:
NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 111:
Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 30:

Only if there is Consciousness is there the World.
If there would he no Consciousness, there would be no World.
Hence all this World of Duality is only an illusion on Consciousness.
By inquiring. with Knowledge about the oneness of all these.
By positive and negative contrasts. and reflecting thereon.
And focusing on the meditation that
I am ever this Consciousness that exists as perfect fullness - I am ever That,
Remain ever changeless.

Since it is only Supreme Consciousness, which is the Substratum of all,
That is full of the quality of being all-pervasive.
ls blemishlcss like the Sky,
And is extremely subtle and unattached,
It is called the Space of Consciousness, the Infinite Consciousness.
Being of the unforgettable conviction (bhava)
That I am the great Infinite Consciousness,
Overcome all illusion.

Apart from the Supreme Brahman. which is Existence alone,
There is no World, which is creamed as the moving and the unmoving.
Apart from the Supreme Brahman, which is Consciousness alone.
There is no World of appearances, thoughts, & such.
Apart from the Supreme Brahman, which is all good.
There is no World of manifold activity.
Being of the conviction (bhava) that you are the Supreme Brahman which is just That alone,
Overcome all weariness.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

The known depends on the knower and does not exist apart from the knower. Consciousness can never be a known or unknown object.

Consciousness is self-luminous. None knows it. It knows all. It knows itself. Thought is only Consciousness, yet Consciousness is not thought. The world in the senses, the senses in the thinking process, thinking within Consciousness; Consciousness is vast and formless, this is the clear perspective. The origin of the universe is the origin of one's present experience. It is Consciousness. All things originate from That which is not a thing. All thoughts derive from That which is not any of them. That is formless, inconceivable Consciousness. There is no experience apart from Consciousness. Consciousness alone appears as all experience. Known as it is, Consciousness has no appearance whatsoever. That which illumines thoughts, sensory perceptions, and all experience is known by none of these. It is Consciousness, formless, and infinite. All experience rises, appears, and dissolves in Consciousness, which has no rise, appearance, or dissolution. He who knows the Truth of the Self has neither birth nor death, neither attachment nor fear, for he is one with Consciousness. First, see that Consciousness contains all that is ever experienced. Then, see that Consciousness is forever unmodified and there is no all for it to contain. Only Consciousness can know itself.  Nothing else can do so.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

First we know that we exist, & then only can we know of the existence of other things. But whereas our own Existence is Self-Conscious, the existence of each other thing depends on us to be known.  We know our own being because we are Consciousness. In other words, our being is itself the Consciousness that knows itself.  It knows itself because it is essentially Self-Conscious. Thus it is reasonable to hypothesize that consciousness is the primal & essential form of Being. Without Consciousness, Being would be unknown, & without Being, Consciousness would not exist.  Our Being & our Consciousness of Being are inseparable – in fact they are identical – & both are expressed by the single phrase "I am". This Being-Consciousness, "I am", is our most fundamental experience, & the most fundamental experience of every sentient being. "I am" is the one basic Consciousness – the essential Non-Dual Self-Consciousness – without which nothing would be known. "I am" is therefore the source & foundation of all knowledge.  What then is the use of knowing anything else if we do not know the truth of our own Being-Consciousness, our Self-Consciousness, "I am", on the basis of which all else is known ?

All that we know about the World & all that we know about God – all our sciences & all our religions – are of no real value to us if we do not know the truth about our self, who desire to know the Truth about the World & God.  We are the Being-Consciousness "I am", yet our knowledge about this "I am" is confused.

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:

or with Caps-sensitive:

Duplicates available on:

"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.  the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:
NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 110:
Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 30:

The part that is the Substratum, the Existence-Consciousness-Bliss,
Will stand as One & complete, perfectly full.
It is in this that the illusory Name and Form
Will arise as just 2 limitations.
Understanding by an Inquiry of meditative Discrimination,
That the illusion is indeed the Substratum
And being rid of misunderstandings by focusing on this,
Enjoy unsurpassed Bliss.

The Body and all that is gross are of the nature of Brahman.
Whatever is seen as an appearance is of the nature of Brahman.
All objects that are divisible are of the nature of Brahman.
The Supreme, the Individual, and the World are all of the nature of Brahman.
Whatever is seen as something separate is Brahman.
Immersed in the certitude of the one Absolute,
Enjoy unsurpassed Bliss.

Ignorance, which is derided is of the nature of Brahman.
Knowledge which shines is of the nature of Brahman.
The Individual [jiva] that is. differentiated is of the nature of Brahman.
The Lord is of the nature of Brahman.
The Earth and stars are of the nature of Brahman.
Whatever is seen as something separate is Brahman.
Whatever is experienced by the Senses is of the nature of Brahman.
By the intense conviction that 1 am that originless Supreme Brahman,
Be in Bliss.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

Being is forever undefined but realized as "I." The Formless is real and infinite. There are no forms within it and none beyond it. There cannot be two that are formless. There cannot be non-duality with forms viewed as forms, and there can be no duality in the Formless.  Both the appearance and disappearance of a thing or a thought are forms. The Formless is neither. Where there is plurality, one sees only false appearance, where there is non-duality, one see clearly and truly. All forms arise from, appear in, and dissolve into the impartible, indivisible, formless Reality. No form can yield the Formless, forms can give rise only to other forms. The Absolute is formless and non-dual. There is nothing outside it and no "outside." Nor is there anything within it. Do not mistake a definition for Existence itself. Neither dualism nor a concept of unity is the Non-dual Truth. Non-objective Being is neither a multiplicity, nor one-in-many, nor many-in-one. It is indivisible.

Being and Consciousness are one and the same. That which is real ever is, continuously. What is discontinuous is never real. Every form is dependent on something else to be experienced. Being, which is Consciousness is nondependent. What is dependent is unreal. What is self-existent is real. In relation to all things, Consciousness is the witness. Seen clearly as it is, Consciousness is formless, and there has never been an objective thing; there is neither knower nor anything known. Being can never change its nature. Being has no attributes. It is the Void, Brahman, forever free of definition. It is called the Self because it is your very Being, who you are. It is called Being because it always is, timelessly, and can never cease or be destroyed. It is called Consciousness because it is nonobjective and can never be a known or unknown object. It is called supreme love because it surpasses all emotion and is indivisible. It is called Bliss because it is full with exquisite perfection that can never be flawed or deficient. It is called God because it is nothing else. It is called eternal, for it is uncreated and imperishable. It is called the Absolute because its Existence is nondependent and it is not in relation to anything. What is this formless undefined Self in itself. Silence is most eloquent. That which is real does not depend on anything else to be or to be experienced. This is Being. Again and again examination of the dependent in this way will emphasize the self as the residual reality. Unchanging Being is the root of peace. Space-like Consciousness is the root of freedom. The Bliss of the Self is the root of joyful love. The Absolute is not a part of reality relative to other things.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

The Truth discovered by means of Vedanta is not something that can be demonstrated or proved objectively by one person to another. It can, however, be directly experienced as a clear knowledge in the innermost core of each person who scrupulously pursues the necessary process of Discernment until the True Nature of Being – which is the True Nature of Consciousness, & of Happiness – is revealed in the full clarity of pure unadulterated Self-Consciousness.  Vedanta does involve doing anything. It is an art not of doing but of non-doing – an art of just being.  The state of just being is one in which our Mind does not rise to do, think or know anything, yet it is a state of full consciousness – consciousness not of anything else but only of Being. The skill that is to be learnt in this art is not simply the skill to be – because we always are & therefore require no special skill or effort to be –, nor is it merely the skill to be without doing or thinking anything – because we are able to be so each day in Deep Dreamless Sleep. The skill to be cultivated is the skill to remain calmly & peacefully without doing or thinking anything, but nevertheless retaining a perfectly clear consciousness of Being – that is, consciousness of our own being or essential Existence. Only in this pristine state of clear non-dual Self-Conscious being, unclouded by the distracting agitation of thought & action, will the True Nature of Being become perfectly clear, obvious, self- evident & free from even the least scope for doubt or confusion.  Our first & most direct experience of Being is that of our own Being or Existence.

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:

or with Caps-sensitive:

Duplicates available on:

"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.  the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:
NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 109:
Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 29:

Ever being changeless, peaceful Existence alone
Is the direct Awareness.
Son !  That is the pure Liberation while yet alive.
It is also Liberation out of the Body.
Only they who have the Grace of our Lord
Can easily reach this state without Duality, as explained here.
The sum and substance of the pronouncements
Of the captivating crest of the Vedas is only this.

For those who hear and understand this explanation will reach Liberation right away,
And they will not have the least of difficulty.
They will enjoy Bliss that is not small by any means and attain perpetual auspiciousness,
Be established in fearlessness,
And return no more to the miseries of mundane existence.
They will became of the nature of the motionless Supreme Brahman.
What l have said is the Truth, there is no doubt of this.
In the name of God, this is the Truth.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

The Body is objective, divisible, changeful, and dependent for its very appearance. The Self is nonobjective, indivisible, changeless, nondependent and self-existent. The two need not be confounded. The self is not the Body and has no inside or outside. There is no inner and no outer. It is ignorance to assume the Body is the boundary line between them. The bodiless Self is birthless, locationless, and deathless. It comes from nowhere and goes nowhere. An incalculable number of cells are given the name "Body," and such is considered an existent entity. Remove one cell at a time and see what actually is the Body. The name “Body” does not make it a real entity. To see the World, one must stand as the Body. To see the Body one must stand as the mind. The entire universe is in the mind and the mind does not exist. Be free from thought's definition, from the notion of a second knowing principle, and from the notion of a differentiated mind. This is merger of the mind. To see the mind one must stand as the Ego. Who are you? If the Ego is not, creation is not. An Ego is an absence. No one has seen an Ego at any time. The Ego cannot be produced by the Self, cannot be produced by anything in the universe, and cannot be self-produced. So, where is bondage? All illusion is based upon the Ego, and all illusion is contained in the Ego - but the Ego itself is an illusion! All the known is for the "I," but the "I" does not exist at all. Upon the Ego is based all ignorance and misidentification. The discovery of the absence of the Ego is the end of all ignorance and misidentification. With the imagined rise of the Ego, all else appears, with the disappearance of the Ego, all else is not. All illusion is for the Ego, based upon the Ego, and contained within the Ego. Self-Realization is the Knowledge of the absence of the Ego and the utter unreality of illusion.  The Ego is a false assumption assumed by no one. All illusion if ignorance. Ignorance is misidentification. All misidentification is the Ego. The Ego is nonexistent. The Ego has no form of its own. Strip it of its covering, and nothing remains of it. Superimpose Being: the Ego seems existent. Superimpose Consciousness: the Ego seems sentient, a second knower. Superimpose Bliss: happiness seems external. Go back the way you came.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

The art of just being, remaining fully conscious but without any activity of the Mind, is a skill that can be cultivated & applied to produce an experience of inexpressible beauty & Joy but also a an attempt to acquire true Knowledge by keen observation. And this is not only the art of Happiness, but also the art of Consciousness, & the art of Self-Knowledge incredibly simple & clear. To the human Mind, however, it may appear to be complex & abstruse, not because it is in any way complex in itself, but because the Mind which tries to comprehend it is such a complex bundle of thoughts & emotions desires, fears, anxieties, attachments, long-cherished beliefs & preconceived ideas – that it tends to cloud the pure simplicity & clarity of Being, making what is obvious appear to be obscure.  It begins with observation & analysis of something that we already know but do not fully understand, & proceeds by reasoning to formulate a plausible hypothesis that can explain what is observed. Vedanta does not study any object of knowledge, but instead studies the very power of Knowing itself the power of Consciousness that underlies the Mind, the power by which all objects are Known. 

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:

or with Caps-sensitive:

Duplicates available on:

"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.  the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:
NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 108:
Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 29:

The differentiating sense of “I“, which is felt inside,
The differentiating sense of "this", which is felt as if manifold outside,
The sense of Duality of the "Body" and "I".
The sense of Witnesshood of "I" being the "Witness".
The sense of the Undivided - I am the One Supreme.
And all such modes are wholly false.
The Absolute, which has no state of any kind, is the Reality,
And That is indeed your True Nature.

As the World appears as an Illusion
On the mass of Knowledge which is the Supreme Brahman,
Like a mirage in the midst of hot air
And the imaginary World in a Dream,
All these are only Brahman, the Substratum.
And their separate appearance is totally a myth.
The defectless Supreme Brahman is the only Reality,
And it is indeed, ever your True Nature.

After driving out the delusions of the Mind
By assiduously focusing on the uninterrupted Meditation
That I am Brahman, Brahman is myself, and I am all,
Attaining the Awareness of the meaning
Of the statement "I am Brahman"
And merged with That.
Without the least trace of thought of the World, the Supreme or “I”,
Ever be at ease, in Peace.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

Ego, manifestation, form and ignorance: these are like an optical illusion, a mirage, a dream without substance, the life-history of a fictional character, a rabbit with horns, and a person with a tail. Regard all thought as an empty echo and the world as a dream. Regard all manifestation as an hallucination or as a daydream lasting but a moment. Know the world to be unreal and yourself as not a character in it, and the dream is over. Consider the world to be a dream, and discover the absence of the dreamer. To expect the perception of forms - the world, body, senses, and thought – to disappear at its own level to transcend them is like expecting the dream character in one's dream to see the dream forms - dream world, dream body, dream senses, and dream thoughts - disappear within the dream, before waking up. When the forms - the world, body, senses, and thought - vanish, the Reality of pure, transcendent Being alone remains. Even when thought of as appearing, the Reality of pure, transcendent Being alone remains.

An unreal body performs unreal actions in an unreal world. Do not be afraid to let go of a world that does not really exist. Any object of experience has no more existence separate from the Self than printed letters from a page of paper, or waves from water. It is you who say that anything is real. The object does not declare its own reality. To known the Reality, know yourself.  It is better to say the world in you than you are in the world. There is no world or any objective thing, and there is no one to experience or know it. The world is unreal. There has never been a single objective thing. All that is objective is illusion. Illusion is that which is not.  All things change. That which is not a thing is unchanging.   

The Self is neither the body nor thought. It is spaceless and timeless. As space is endless, clear, formless, embracing all, bound by none, all-pervading, ungraspable, and has no within or without, so it is with the Self. The conception of space requires mis-identification with the body. The conception of time requires misidentification with thought. Now is not a time. Here is not a location. Here and now is formless, real Being. The past and future have no reality. The fleeting present moment is also an illusion. Timeless Consciousness is conceived as time and all that time measures. When does time begin? When there was no time. But if there was no time, not then or now, did it begin at all? The cause is always seen in the effect, The effect is just the cause appearing as such. In Truth, there is only one cause. The ultimate cause of all, the Absolute is itself uncaused. The Absolute, the Self is neither caused by anything else nor does it cause anything else. Infinite, there is nothing beyond it produced by it. There is no cause for illusion; for illusion is unreal, and for an unreal effect there cannot be a real cause. Causality is itself illusory.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

Happiness lies deep within us, in the very core of our being. Happiness does not exist in any external object, but only in us, who are the consciousness that experiences Happiness. Though we seem to derive Happiness from external objects or experiences, the Happiness that we thus enjoy in fact arises from within us.  Whatever turmoil our Mind may be in, in the center of our being there always exists a state of perfect Peace & Joy, like the calm in the eye of a storm. Desire & fear agitate our Mind, & obscure from its view the Happiness that always exists within it. When a desire is satisfied, or the cause of a fear is removed, the surface agitation of our Mind subsides, & in that temporary calm our Mind enjoys a taste of its own innate Happiness.  Happiness is thus a state of being – a state in which our Mind’s habitual agitation is calmed. The activity of our Mind disturbs it from its calm state of just being, & causes it to lose sight of its own innermost Happiness. To enjoy Happiness, therefore, all our Mind need do is to cease all activity, returning calmly to its natural state of inactive being, as it does daily in deep sleep.  Therefore to master the art of being happy, we must master just being. We must discover what the innermost core of our being is, & we must learn to abide consciously & constantly in that state of pure being, which underlies & supports (but nevertheless remains unaffected by) all the superficial activities of our Mind: thinking, feeling & perceiving, remembering & forgetting, & so on.  

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:

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"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth."    the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Thursday, September 21, 2017

NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 107:
Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 29:

As the natural Reality of the Non-Dual Supreme remains undestroyed.
It is, indeed, the Reality.
As this world of Duality has no intrinsic reality.
All this is only illusory.
This illusoriness, when inquired into,
Is indeed, the Supreme Brahman. which is the Substratum.
It is that Brahman. which eternally endures,
That is your own pure, True Nature.

When the reality of the imaginary Snake is thoroughly inquired into.
That reality is only the Substratum of the Snake-form,
Namely, the reality of the Rope,
And not the reality of a Snake.
Likewise upon deep Inquiry, the reality of the World
Is realized to be the only Reality of Brahman, the Substratum,
It is only that Brahman, which is ever the Reality.
That is your own Non-Dual, True Nature.

Just as, on Inquiry, there is not a trace of intrinsic reality
Apart from your own reality
Of the World that appeared in the imagination of your Dream,
So there is no intrinsic reality
Apart from your own Reality,
For the World in your Waking State, which is also an Illusion.
Brahman, which is the only Reality, without-a-2nd,
Is similarly your True Nature.

The Body, the Senses, the Life,
The confounded Mind, the Intellect, the Ego, the thoughts,
The primal Ignorance about all of these,
And various seeming entities which seem differentiated
Are all, upon Inquiry realized to be
Only the one Reality, which is the Supreme Brahman.
Only that Brahman, the one Supreme Reality,
Is ever your true Nature.

selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge:

There is the Teaching, which when received, meditated upon, & experienced, results in the destruction of all Delusion & all Illusion, & in the Realization of the Self. It is what unfailingly puts an end to all the imagined Bondage. It is intended for those who know the value of Detachment & the importance of Self-Realization, & who are endowed with an inward-turned Mind.  It is the quintessence of Advaita Vedanta.  It is the Maharshi's Teaching. This Teaching is reiterated here. To receive this Teaching & to come to know it is the highest blessing. It is the dawn of Knowledge.  To meditate on this teaching, applying one's own ever to awaken from the illusion of Duality, & thus gain clarity in Knowledge, is to be in the sublime state of Grace. To merge with its meaning is samadhi, which is the direct experience of absorption in Knowledge.  To be so absorbed in it that it is one's very Identity & all possibility of Duality is a removed, the state in which Knowledge & Being are One, & the same, this is Self-Realization.

In Truth, Reality is comprehended by Reality itself. This is Self–Knowledge. In the Agama texts, this is referred to as all–comprehensive Knowledge. It is so, not because it is an examination of the endless details of illusory, objective things or of the wide variety of practices & states of Mind, but because of its fixed gaze upon the infinite, which is pure Consciousness & Being, which is the sole existing Reality. It is Knowledge of the Absolute Self, which is Reality, with 1-without-a-2nd, & apart from which there is nothing else.

In Non-Duality, meditation may be regarded as by the Self, for there is no other knower, & upon the Self, as there is no object of meditation.  In meditation upon Self–Knowledge, one cannot stand apart from the self to contemplated.  Oneness, identity would being, is the essence of the meditation.  This is timeless knowledge that is thought–transcendent. Thoughts are not real, & they cannot reveal what is Real. Not retaining any idea or concept by inquiring into oneself, there is entrance into Self–Knowledge. Therefore, the only intent upon the Supreme State, meditates with a singular undistracted focus on Truth, abandons meandering Delusions for the sake of what is Sacred, for the sake of Self–Realization, & is absorbed in that which is blissful, unforgettable, illimitable, indivisible, & beyond the Body, Mind, & Ego. That is formless Being.

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:

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Duplicates available on:

"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.  the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 106:

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

The one, Absolute, Non-Dual Self alone exists Eternally (from aeviternus, of great age, similar to aeon, but more technically for Medieval Philosophers: existing “entire & immutable as an indivisible point in Space”).

The Self neither begins nor ends, neither expands nor reduces, has no phase or condition, & is ever just as it is. The Self alone is present always.

Knowledge of the Self is based upon the seeker having a firm conviction in the Identity, or Non-Duality, of That & thou as expressed in the Upanishad mahavakya: “Thou art That.” This reveals the Identity of Self & the Absolute (Brahman). When seeking Realization of the Absolute, Brahman, seek to realize the Self  as it truly is. The Realization of the Self is our only true, Natural State [Sahaja, "the Natural, effortless Innate State. ]. Any other state is Illusion (that which fools us) & the product of Delusion (fooling ourselves). The ultimate nature of Illusion is non-existence (that is, it does not really exist).

Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 37:

All is the Supreme Brahman: there is no doubt of this.
I am indeed am That: there is not a bit of doubt of this.
I say this in the name of the Supreme Lord of all the World.
What said is the Truth. There is no doubt of this.
Worthy son! therefore. being aware, with great certitude,
That all is ever Brahman alone, and I am That,
And thereby casting aside everything,
Abide as the pure Self alone.

All "appearances" (Individuals, etc.) that seem sentient (conscious)
Are but the Supreme Lord, which is Consciousness alone.
I am indeed the Lord which has nothing in the least to learn,
I am indeed that Lord which has nothing apart.
By attaining the undivided Realization through such practicable bhava (conviction),
And being rid of the Bondage of Birth-and-Death cycle,
Abide as the "Apex",
Your Self alone, not different from the Supreme Lord.

Thus have I described the Abidance in the undivided Self.
As expounded by our Lord.
Son !  If this is heard just once or read
Without blemish as now told,
The undecaying State of Liberation will result.
Is there any doubt that
Those who hear this or read this every day
Will attain the bondagelcss Supreme Liberation?

Only those who deeply inquire into
And contemplate upon
The nature of the perfectly full, undivided Supreme Lord
As the Substratum of all the numerous Names & Forms of things
Will attain taintless, undivided Abidance in the: Self
And cross thc hard-to-cross Ocean of Birth & Death (re-incarnation).
None else can ever cross this Ocean
By any other action, all being tainted (by duality).

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:

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"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.  the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 105:
Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi's "Cinema" analogy:

CINEMA SHOW                            SELF
(i) lamp                         (i)  Self
(ii) lens                         (ii) pure (sattvic) Mind
(iii) film photos             (iii) subtle thought vasanas latent tendencies
(iv) lens ==> light          (iv) Mind ==> seer / Jiva
 (v) screen light             (v) Mind-Sense light on World
(vi) screen images         (vi) names-forms-objects
(vii) motor                   (vii) divine law manifesting latent tendencies

Shri Shankara's is commentary on the Hastamalaka hymn:


Knowing which all will be discerned
As being in the Supreme Self,
To that Eternal–Knowledge–Bliss,
Originless & changeless, I bow. 

By ignorance of which, Duality appears,
On knowing which, Duality disappears,
Like the RopeSnake, completely,
To that Supreme Spirit, I bow. 

By the knowledge of whose teachings,
Our Consciousness–Self becomes evident,
To that Sadguru, the Sun that dispels the darkness of one's Ignorance, I bow. 

Here certainly, for all living beings, by one's own natural inclination, indeed there is a wish to accept Happiness & the desire to abandon Suffering, thus "Let there be Happiness for me, let there not be Suffering for me."

In this context someone who possesses full, superior, abundant merit, having known the Suffering is inevitable & that "happiness" born of sense objects is without reality, is impermanent, & is thus suffering, indeed by striving with aspiration, by spiritual practice, & by perfect very strong abandonment of attachment to some Samsara (illusion), is free from craving.

With indifference & relinquishment of Samsara he strives. As non-knowledge, or misunderstanding of our True Nature of the Self & turning away from Self-Knowledge are the cause & production of Samsara, the spiritual teacher instructs him in the Knowledge of the Self.

(1)  The instrumental cause of the activity of the Mind, the Eye, & so on;
Devoid of all conditionings, akin to Space;
Just as the Sun is the instrumental cause of the World's activity;
That which by its nature is Eternal Knowledge am I, the Self.

"Mind" becomes the "thinking Mind" [manas], the "Ego" [ahamkara], the "Intellect" [buddhi], "memory & feeling" [chitta], which are the 4 aspects of the Mind. 
So also of the "Eye & so on" means the Eye [vision], the Skin [touch], the Ear [hearing], the Tongue [taste], & the Nose [smell], which are the 5 senses & sense organs of perception.

And also: Speech, Hand, Foot, Excretion, & Genitals, which are the 5 organs of action. 

From the Supreme Truth, there will be rejected, all the above without exception, all limitations, such as the characteristics of the Intellect & others.  Therefore of that it is said quote devoid of all conditioning.  It is because of
Being "devoid of all conditionings", indeed this is akin to "Space" means completely pure like Space. Thus he declares:

(2)  Resorting to that which is of the nature that is Eternal & is Knowledge, the Mind, Eye, & so on, not possessed of Knowledge, [seem to] enter into activity, like fire & heat [fire gives rise to heat], the unwavering One, that which by nature is Eternal Knowledge am I, the Self.

What is the eternal nature of True Eternal Knowledge (bodhi) ?  True Eternal Knowledge (bodhi) is commonly referred to as ordinary knowing (jnana).  But ordinary knowing (jnana) is generated and brought forth by the connection or drawing together of the senses, the objects and so on.  The ordinary knowing (jnana) thus arisen utterly disappears & is destroyed.  Hence because of its character of origin & destruction, it does not deserve to be considered as True Eternal Knowledge (bodhi).

True Eternal Knowledge (bodhi) would not approach the True Nature of the Self, with its Eternal Nature, if there were True Knowledge (bodhi) that was non-eternal in nature. Such would be a contradiction. 

Then again, it is also said indeed that by the term True Eternal Knowledge (bodhi), simple perceptual awareness (chaitanya) is meant.  True Eternal Knowledge (bodhi) is also not simple perceptual awareness (chaitanya) which is the knowledge produced by the "perceived object" such as jars & such, all of which are inert. 

The "perceived object" indeed is ordinary knowing (jnana), as a ordinary knowing (jnana) of the jar is brought into existence for & is apparent to "me". Likewise, the ordinary knowing (jnana) of some cloth is brought into existence for & is apparent to "me".  This is what is actually evidentially being experienced. Thus we see the non-eternal nature of that kind of knowing & the way it is not of the True Nature of the Self. And so, the Self being of the True Nature of Eternal Knowledge (bodhi) is arrived at.  [to be continued]

Notes [by blog author] on Happiness:

In the context of Non-Duality, the Sages tell us that Happiness is our Real Nature, as one sense of Ananda in Sat – Chit – Ananda, Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. For the same reason that we seek Self-Knowledge, seek to know our own Identity, we likewise seek Happiness, which is our Identity. Cessation of Existence is inconceivable, so that those who identify with a Body will fear Death. Enlightened or Ignorant, either way, such cessation of Existence is unacceptable because we intuit that this would bring an end to Happiness.

Self-Knowledge & thus true & lasting Happiness are gained by the removal of Ignorance as to our own Identity. So to inquire: Who am I ? & to subjectively find the "Inquirer" to be the answer, to be that pure Existence & Happiness – this alone is the final & lasting solution to our unending search for Happiness.

When I breathe, turn left or right, think this thought or another, all is done to increase Happiness or to decrease the loss of Happiness, for this is the only motive for anything. Complete Self-Knowledge includes the recognition that as Happiness itself, we can never find it outside, & once realized, we can never lose it.

In the meantime, the very mean, mean, "meantime", we chase external objects of desire in a Dream–World. When partial Happiness is apparently attained for the moment, that anxiety of the Mind relaxes, & a glimmer of true Happiness is experienced.  But as the Buddha advised, in telling us that the nature of Worldly Life is suffering:
            1) to not get what you want is suffering
            2) to get what you don't want is suffering
            3) to get what you want also includes suffering because we sense that what appears in Time, with a beginning, will certainly have an end be lost.
            4) whatever the happiness enjoyed when you get what you want, you still sense that you could have more or better, may have once had more or better, & that "others" already have more or better.

Real Happiness never ends & has never left us, even if only dimly appearing as the "reference background" by which we "measure" lesser happiness. We always know just how happy we are, or are not. We often know the same about others. Ever we "measure" against that "reference background" of perfect  Happiness which is our own True Nature, the unwavering Reality of Happiness which is our very Existence.

Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi's "Upadesa Saram" with ~ 10 Meditation points by his disciple, Master Nome:

(22)  The Body, the Senses, the Prana, the Intellect, & ignorance are not I, the one Being.  That is inert, for it is unreal. 

1. The Body, subject to Birth & Death, constituted of parts, changeful, objective, inert in itself, & sporadically experienced, is not the Unborn, Imperishable, Undivided, partless, changeless, non-objective, continuous Being–Consciousness.  It is not I.  The one Being alone am I. 
2. The Senses, subject to appearance & disappearance, multiple, changeful, objective, known by the Mind in a particular state of Mind, inert & unknown to themselves, & sporadically experienced, are not the non-appearing yet never vanishing, singular & Undivided, changeless, non-objective, unknown by the Mind & transcendent of all States of Mind, un-sensed & self-luminous, continuous Being-Consciousness. They are not I.  The one Being alone am I. 
3. The Prana, subject to coalescence & dispersion, entrance & exit, of various types & conditions, active in various ways, objective, not knowing itself, & non-eternal, is not the space-like, neither entering or exiting, un-conditioned & not multifarious, invariable & ever un-moving, non-objective, self-known, & eternal Being-Consciousness.  It is not I, the one Being alone am I. 
4. The Intellect which appears & disappears, the form of which is thought, which is objective, which is not known by itself, which is not Eternal, & which is changeful, is not the non-appearing yet never disappearing, Formless, thought–transcendent, non-objective, self–known, Eternal, ever–changeless Being–Consciousness. It is not I. The one Being alone am I. 
5.  Ignorance which is as if darkness could be in light, which is imagined & gives rise to the imaginary, which is not Eternal, the cause of for all differentiation, which is not known itself, & which is not self–existent, is not the ever–shining, self–luminous, real & not imagined, eternal causeless & without effect, undifferentiated, self known & self-existent Being–Consciousness.  It is not I. The one Being alone am I. 
6, I am only the one Existence. There is no other Existence, & there is no other “I”. 
7. The one Being alone is real & alone exists. The unreal is ever non-existent. There are no degrees of Reality. Degrees of unreality are as unreal as the non-existent itself.
8. Consciousness alone exists. The inert is truly unreal. All, from the Ignorance to the Body, not being self–known, or not self–existent. They are un-real. The self–existent & self–known is alone real. Therefore, know the Knower. 
9. The Knowledge of not being the Body, Senses, Prana, the Intellect, & Ignorance is not for the Body, Senses, Prana, the Intellect, & Ignorance they are. They are inert & un-real.  The Knowledge is for the Self, which is truly I, which is the Real & which is Knowledge itself. 
10. Inquiry that negates all misidentifications reveals the true Identity of the ineffable Being, which can neither be conceived nor negated.

(23)  The Illuminator of Existence is Consciousness. Where is there another ?  As Existence is indeed Consciousness, so Consciousness indeed is “I”. 

1. The Self is Being–Consciousness. Other than Being, there is no other Existence. Other than Consciousness, there is no other Knower or Illuminator. 
2. Being–Consciousness cannot be known by or through anything other than itself, for the non–existent cannot realize, & the Known cannot know. 
3. Self-Knowledge is that in which the Self is the Knower, the Known, & the Knowing, & which is of the nature of indivisible Consciousness. Consciousness is the Knowledge.  4. Existence is I. Consciousness is I. I always exist. I always know this Existence. 
5. I am. I know that I am. The Knowledge that I am is inseparable from the Existence of I am.
6. There is never a doubt about Existence. Even if such a doubt could be conjured up, I would exist to know the non–existence. 
7. Consciousness ever shines; I always know. Even if there were any of not knowing or being bereft of Consciousness, that condition would still be illumined by Consciousness; I would still know. 
8. Since Being is Consciousness, there is no other to know. Consciousness being “I”, there is simply no other “I”. I do not become Consciousness. By my nature, I am Consciousness, & there is no other quote “I”. 
9. I do not become Consciousness. By nature, I am Consciousness.  I do not become Being. By nature, I am Being, & there is no other “I”.  Self–Knowledge reveals this. 
10. The essential Teaching is true Knowledge. True Knowledge is Consciousness as it is.  "As it is" is just Being. Just Being is the Truth of “I”.

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:

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"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.  the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see: