Thursday, October 5, 2017

NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 121:

Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 33:

Those who have the Knowledge of the undivided Self withouta2nd,
That all the illusory conditionings in me,
The all complete & whole,
When deeply inquired into by a process of negation,
Are not a bit different from me,
And that I, the residue, am of the Supreme Brahman,
Will abide as the nature of Supreme Brahman, the mass of Bliss. 
What is told is the Truth, there is no doubt of this.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

The desire for Happiness comes from deep within. It is an intuition that Bliss is one’s natural state. Bliss includes Pease with no disturbance, Freedom with no Bondage, & Perfection, with nothing incomplete. The Source of desire does derive from external phenomena of any kind. That Source of desire does not derive from objects, circumstances, other beings, & such. There is, therefore, nothing external that is alluring. Desire, itself, is not a bodily sensation. Desire does not consist of particular thoughts, though particular thoughts constituting images in the Mind may appear & be those by which the desire manifests (image of delicious food, sex object, etc). The desire itself is simply the urge from within to be in the natural state of limitless Bliss.
The intensity of desire is continually surging forth. That surging cannot be subdued, & the attempt to do so would merely be an unsuccessful attempt to indirectly fulfill the desire (by squashing it). Desire cannot be fulfilled by Self-Realization, which is Abidance as Bliss itself. Bliss is of the very nature of the Self, & the Self is truly without any desire.
(1) When the Self is not known &,
(2) by delusion, the first Suffering becomes possible, & when,
(3) with the appearance of the false Individual “I”,
(4) the Natural State seems lost, then
(5) that very Bliss of the Self manifests as the intuition of one’s natural, true state, &
(6) this appears as the desire for Happiness.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

By repeated nididhyasana or Self-contemplation, supported by the aid of repeated shravana, & manana, our Consciousness of our own essential Being & our corresponding understanding of the Truth will become increasingly clear, & by that increasing clarity we will steadily gain more love to know our self as we really are, & more detachment from our individuality & all that is associated with it. Therefore, until we gain such true spiritual maturity – the willingness & love to lose our individual Self in the experience of true non-dual Self-knowledge – we have to continue the process of repeated shravana, manana, & nididhyasana.  Even more rare than those highly mature souls who are able to experience the Truth as soon as they hear it, there are some people who without ever hearing the Truth experience it spontaneously. But such people are very rare indeed.  All that I write in this book is what I have learnt & understood from the teachings of the Sage known as Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, who was one such extremely rare being who experienced the Truth spontaneously without ever having heard or read anything about it.

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:  

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"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth."    the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:
NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 120:

Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 33:

Whatever is seen as an Illusion on the Self
Is nothing in the least apart from the Self,
But only the stainless Substratum, the Self. 
There is nothing here to equal the Knowledge of the undivided Self,
Which realizes that I, the undivided, complete, perfectly full Self,
Am indeed Brahman, indicated by the "That". 
The only equal of that Knowledge of the Self
Is that Knowledge itself.

If because of the wondering of the fickle Mind,
The experience of the undivided Self does not directly result,
One should meditate on the Self being all,
Until all the distortions of the Mind are overcome. 
If the ever moving mind meanders,
Making a mockery of meditation,
One should recite the words of this text on the topic

Of the motionless, undivided Self.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

The experience of Happiness should be comprehended in Wisdom so that one does not superimpose what is not actually the experience of Happiness upon actual Happiness. The joy felt anywhere, ever, is the shining of the Self, Yet, in Ignorance, such is accompanied by superimposition of inert, unreal Forms (particular, objective, circumstances) upon the experience of actual Happiness. When the experience of Happiness is accompanied by the Delusion of superimposition of Forms (particular, objective, circumstances), the experience of Happiness appears as if momentary, limited, & dependent. When the experience of Happiness is without such Delusion, the Self itself shines as vast, unlimited Bliss,

[selections based on Master Nome’s Truth Revealed]

The desire for Happiness comes from deep within. It is an intuition that Bliss is one’s natural state. Bliss includes Pease with no disturbance, Freedom with no Bondage, & Perfection, with nothing incomplete. The Source of desire does derive from external phenomena of any kind. That Source of desire does not derive from objects, circumstances, other beings, & such. There is, therefore, nothing external that is alluring. Desire, itself, is not a bodily sensation. Desire does not consist of particular thoughts, though particular thoughts constituting images in the Mind may appear & be those by which the desire manifests (image of delicious food, sex object, etc). The desire itself is simply the urge from within to be in the natural state of limitless Bliss.
The intensity of desire is continually surging forth. That surging cannot be subdued, & the attempt to do so would merely be an unsuccessful attempt to indirectly fulfill the desire (by squashing it). Desire cannot be fulfilled by Self-Realization, which is Abidance as Bliss itself. Bliss is of the very nature of the Self, & the Self is truly without any desire.
(1) When the Self is not known &,
(2) by delusion, the first Suffering becomes possible, & when,
(3) with the appearance of the false Individual “I”,
(4) the Natural State seems lost, then
(5) that very Bliss of the Self manifests as the intuition of one’s natural, true state, &
(6) this appears as the desire for Happiness.

The experience of Happiness should be comprehended in Wisdom so that one does not superimpose what is not actually the experience of Happiness upon actual Happiness. The joy felt anywhere, ever, is the shining of the Self, Yet, in Ignorance, such is accompanied by superimposition of inert, unreal Forms (particular, objective, circumstances) upon the experience of actual Happiness. When the experience of Happiness is accompanied by the Delusion of superimposition of Forms (particular, objective, circumstances), the experience of Happiness appears as if momentary, limited, & dependent. When the experience of Happiness is without such Delusion, the Self itself shines as vast, unlimited Bliss.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

Even though we have once learnt about the spiritual Truth – the Truth that we are not the limited Body but are only the unlimited Spirit or Consciousness – the impression made by that Truth will quickly fade if we do not repeatedly study books that remind us of it, & frequently reflect upon it in our Mind.  However mere reading & thinking about the Truth will be of little benefit to us if we do not also repeatedly attempt to put it into practice by turning our attention back to our mere Consciousness of Being, I am", whenever we notice that it has slipped away to think of other things. To stress the paramount importance of such practice, Sri Sankara declared that the benefit of manana is a hundred times greater than that of srava.a, & the benefit of nididhyasana is a hundred thousand times greater than that of manana.  For some very rare souls, repeated shravana, manana, & nididhyasana is not necessary, because as soon as they first hear the Truth, they at once grasp its meaning & importance, turn their attention Self-wards, & thereby immediately experience true Self-knowledge. But the majority of us do not have the spiritual maturity to be able to experience the Truth as soon as we hear it, because we are too strongly attached to our existence as an individual person, & to all that is associated with our life as a person.  

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:

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"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.  the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 119:

                                                                                                      Sri Shankara
Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 32:

Being again & again of the conviction or attitude (bhava) as declared here,
Always & continuously,
That the divisionless Supreme Brahman is all,
And I am that indivisible Supreme Brahman,
Cast off Delusion, & attain that undivided Supreme Knowledge, which has nothing apart from it,
And enjoying that undivided, Supreme Bliss
And being rid of all the debilitating sorrow of this World,
Become yourself of the nature of the stainless Supreme Brahman.

All is one completely, perfectly full Brahman. 
I am one completely, perfectly full Brahman.
Those who have this conviction or attitude (bhava) with Discernment
Will themselves be the Supreme Brahman, of the nature of Consciousness. 
As expounded by the partless Supreme Lord,
I have explained the undivided Truth to you,
Those who understand this as explained
Will attain Happiness.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

Ascertaining the unitary motivation in Life (happiness), one becomes free of the idea of multiple motives taking one in multiple directions. Accomplishing this, one concentrates the searching of one’s Mind in the direction that is truly within. This prompts a yearning for Self-Knowledge & provides the motivation for Inquiry into Existence-Consciousness because Existence-Consciousness-Happiness is the True Nature of one Reality, the one Self. The results on meditation on & absorption of, the Discerning Knowledge regarding the nature of Happiness are the steadfast motivation to inquire so as to realize the Self. Also for Perception of the one motivation behind all kinds of searching through all kinds of experience, detachment from worldly things & cessation of worldly desire, & steady access to the inner source of Happiness.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

Unless we know our Self as we really are, we can never experience true & perfect Happiness, untainted by even the least unhappiness or dissatisfaction, & unless we keenly attend to our essential consciousness of our own mere being – our simple Non-Dual Self-Consciousness, "I am" – we can never know our self as we really are.  For the majority of spiritual aspirants, the process of attaining Self- knowledge, like the process of learning any other art or science, is said to be a threefold process of repeated shravana, manana, & nididhyasana, or learning, assimilation, & practice. The Sanskrit word shravana literally means "hearing", but in this context it means learning the truth by hearing, reading or studying. The word manana means thinking, pondering, musing, reflection or meditation, that is, dwelling frequently upon the truth that we have learnt through shravana in order to imbibe it & understand it more & more clearly, & to impress it upon our Mind more & more firmly. And the word nididhyasana means keen observation, scrutiny, attentiveness or profound contemplation, that is, in our context, putting what we have learnt & understood by sravana & manana into practice by keenly scrutinizing, attending to or contemplating upon our essential Self-conscious being, "I am".  In the life of a serious spiritual aspirant, this threefold process of shravana, manana, & nididhyasana should continue repeatedly until the experience of true Self-knowledge is attained. In our day-to-day lives our Mind encounters innumerable different impressions through our five Senses, & thinks innumerable thoughts about those impressions, so the impression made by one thing is quickly replaced by the impression made by other things.

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:  

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"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth."    the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:
NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 118:

Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 32:

Apart from me, filled with Consciousness,
There is no appearance of the World whatever, which is itself just the consequence of concepts & ideas (sankalpa). 
Apart from me filled with Consciousness, there are no Individuals (jivas) or Lord (Isvara) which are consequences of concepts & ideas (sankalpa).
Apart from me filled with Consciousness,
There is never any consequence of concepts & ideas (sankalpa), none at all.
I, filled with Consciousness, am ever blessedness.
Contemplating thus, contemplating thus, become blessedness yourself.

Just as the World & so on, seen in a Dream within me, filled with Consciousness,
Are nothing apart from me, the World & so on, seen within me, during the Waking State, Filled with Consciousness, are nothing apart from me.
I, filled with Consciousness, abide as the One, ever the One. 
Established as all the perfectly full, pervasive blessedness,
I, filled with Consciousness, abide as myself.
Contemplating thus, contemplating thus,
Become the blessed state yourself.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

Knowledge reveals the abiding place of Happiness. Those who have recognized the presence of Suffering in Life & are desirous of removing in permanently (intolerant of Suffering) search for an answer Knowledge & do not expect Happiness to be found in any worldly manner, such as in sensory things or in the moods & emotions of a wavering Mind. Those who desire to be free of desire, who are not content with the accidental respites from the Suffering caused by Ignorance, who are in search of spiritual Bliss & Peace, who are desirous of understanding of how it is that Happiness shines forth at times & yearn to have it abide knowingly & permanent, & who understand that the way to accomplish this permanent Abidance in Happiness is by Knowledge & not by any other means should determine with certainty the source of Happiness.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

When we do not get whatever we desire or like, & when we cannot avoid whatever we fear or dislike, we feel unhappy, discontented or miserable. Thus unhappiness or suffering is the inevitable result of desire & fear, or likes & dislikes. Desire & fear, & likes & dislikes, are the inevitable result of identifying a Body as "I". And identifying a Body as "I" results from our lack of clear knowledge of our real nature – our essential Self-conscious being. Therefore if we want to be free of all forms of misery & unhappiness, we must free our self from our ignorance or confused knowledge of what we really are.  In order to free our self from this confused knowledge, which makes us feel that we are a Body, we must attain a clear knowledge of our real Self. The only means by which we can attain such clear Self-knowledge is to turn our attention away from our Body, our Mind & all other things, & to focus it keenly upon our own essential Self-Consciousness – our fundamental consciousness of our own being, "I am".  Thus the theory that underlies the science & art of Self-knowledge enables us to understand that all we need do in order to experience perfect & unlimited Happiness is to attain true Self-knowledge, & that the only means to attain true Self-knowledge is to practice keen scrutinizing Self-Attention.

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:  

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"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth."    the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:
NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 117:

Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 32:

Except for the Mind, there is not a bit of this World, 
Mind is that which appears as all the World. 
This Mind is simply of the nature of concepts & ideas (sankalpa). 
When inquired into, concepts & ideas (sankalpa) will be found to be Consciousness. 
If the concepts & ideas (sankalpa) of the Mind is found to be as Consciousness,
Mind itself will be found to be Consciousness, which is itself Peace indeed.  Contemplating thus, contemplating thus,
I am the Peace, the originless Consciousness,
Become Peace yourself.

Since the Mind arises in me, filled with Consciousness,
Abides in me, filled with Consciousness
And subsides in me, filled with Consciousness.
There is nothing of the Mind apart from me, filled with Consciousness.
There is no Mind apart from me, filled with Consciousness.
There is nothing else that exists apart from me, full of Consciousness.
I, myself, filled with Consciousness, I am the blessedness.

Contemplating thus, contemplating thus, become yourself that blessed state.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

Ignorance is the lack of Discernment regarding what is Real & what is not. Discernment in Knowledge, or Discrimination, is the Perception of what is Real & actually the Self.  Discrimination is essential for the destruction of Ignorance & the inner revelation of Knowledge. The Knowledge, itself, is transcendent of concepts & thoughts. Discrimination means using Knowledge to realize Knowledge. The essence of the means is the end in itself (non-dual practice resembles realization itself). By clear Discernment, one knows oneself truly. Thus, one knows the Reality as it is. Discerning Knowledge shows the direct, clear path.  Discerning Knowledge shows what Realization is. Discerning Knowledge is what composes the path. In its true nature, the Knowledge is directly experienced, without any intermediary. That is the Knowledge of Consciousness, by Consciousness, itself.  Any spiritual advance,  in essence, is one of Knowledge. Knowledge is the essential spiritual experience.

Knowledge is not physical or mental in character. Knowledge is not a sensation, word, or idea. The basis of Knowledge is the essence of Existence itself. The attainment of Knowledge endures just as Existence endures, for Knowledge is not dependent on anything of a transient character. This is the formless path to the Formless.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

When we do not get whatever we desire or like, & when we cannot avoid whatever we fear or dislike, we feel unhappy, discontented or miserable. Thus unhappiness or suffering is the inevitable result of desire & fear, or likes & dislikes. Desire & fear, & likes & dislikes, are the inevitable result of identifying a Body as "I". And identifying a Body as "I" results from our lack of clear knowledge of our real nature – our essential Self-conscious being. Therefore if we want to be free of all forms of misery & unhappiness, we must free our self from our ignorance or confused knowledge of what we really are.  In order to free our self from this confused knowledge, which makes us feel that we are a Body, we must attain a clear knowledge of our real Self. The only means by which we can attain such clear Self-knowledge is to turn our attention away from our Body, our Mind & all other things, & to focus it keenly upon our own essential Self-Consciousness – our fundamental consciousness of our own being, "I am".  Thus the theory that underlies the science & art of Self-knowledge enables us to understand that all we need do in order to experience perfect & unlimited Happiness is to attain true Self-knowledge, & that the only means to attain true Self-knowledge is to practice keen scrutinizing Self-Attention.

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:  

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"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth."    the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:
NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 116:

Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 32:

The Body and such that are seen are only non-Self.
The Seer only is yourself.
The One Supreme Brahman is yourself.
It is indeed ever myself.
All appearances such as the Guru & the disciple and the pure Supreme Knowledge,
Are all indeed the indivisible Absolute, and That am I.
By such bhava, by such bhava (conviction, attitude),
Become yourself the Supreme.

Other than in thought, there is no phenomenal World, 
Thought it is that appears as the phenomenal World. 
Except for thought, there is no Birth & Death cycle. 
Thought is that which appears as the Birth & Death cycle. 
When inquired into, thought is found to be Consciousness alone. 
Thought, as Consciousness, remains as blessedness. 
I am indeed that blessedness full of thought-free Consciousness. 
Contemplating thus, contemplating thus,

Become yourself that blessed state.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Truth Revealed]

All the superimposed Forms (particular, objective, circumstances) are of a Sensory or Mental character. The experience of Happiness is not a Sensation, like seeing, hearing, etc. It is not a thought or a collection thoughts. It is of a formless nature, shining at the same depth from which the desire springs, at the very Source of Happiness itself.

The Source of the desire & the Source of Happiness are one & the same. That Source is within. Unrealized, the Source manifests as the desire (misdirected toward objects or for truer Happiness). Realized, it shines as Bliss itself. Realization means Knowledge. Knowledge is direct experience of the Self. Such is Abidance at & as the very Source of Happiness. The Self is the Source of Happiness. Nothing else is the Source.

The known depends on the knower and does not exist apart from the knower. Consciousness can never be a known or unknown object.

Consciousness is self-luminous. None knows it. It knows all. It knows itself. Thought is only Consciousness, yet Consciousness is not thought. The world in the senses, the senses in the thinking process, thinking within Consciousness; Consciousness is vast and formless, this is the clear perspective. The origin of the universe is the origin of one's present experience. It is Consciousness. All things originate from That which is not a thing. All thoughts derive from That which is not any of them. That is formless, inconceivable Consciousness. 

There is no experience apart from Consciousness. Consciousness alone appears as all experience. Known as it is, Consciousness has no appearance whatsoever. That which illumines thoughts, sensory perceptions, and all experience is known by none of these. It is Consciousness, formless, and infinite. All experience rises, appears, and dissolves in Consciousness, which has no rise, appearance, or dissolution. He who knows the Truth of the Self has neither birth nor death, neither attachment nor fear, for he is one with Consciousness. First, see that Consciousness contains all that is ever experienced. Then, see that Consciousness is forever unmodified and there is no all for it to contain. Only Consciousness can know itself.  Nothing else can do so.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

A mere theoretical understanding of the truth that we are only consciousness will be of little use to us if we do not apply it in practice by endeavoring to gain real experiential knowledge of that truth. By itself, a theoretical understanding will not & cannot give us true & lasting Happiness, because it cannot destroy our deep-rooted Sense of identification with the Body, which is the root of all ignorance, & the cause of all misery.  That which understands this truth theoretically is only our Mind or intellect, & our Mind cannot function without first identifying itself with a Body. Since our Mind or intellect is thus a confused knowledge whose existence is rooted in ignorance about who or what we really are, no intellectual understanding can ever by itself give us true Self-knowledge. Self-knowledge can only be gained by direct experience of the pure unlimited consciousness which is our real Self, because only such experience can root out the ignorance that we are anything other than that consciousness.  Therefore a theoretical understanding of the truth can be of real benefit to us only if it prompts us to investigate our essential consciousness of being – our simple Self-consciousness, "I am" – & thereby attain through direct experience a clear knowledge of our own true nature. 

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:  

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"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth."    the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

NMT (No-Me Teaching) new series 115:

Ribhu Gita (Tamil) Ch 32:

When inquired into, all the diverse differences
Of the World, the Individuals, and the Supreme
Superimposed in their Multiplicity on the Supreme Brahman, the Truth,
Will be found lo be nothing apart from the Immaculate Brahman itself.
Since it is only the Supreme Brahman, the Self of all,
That ever changelessly exists,
Be of the steadfast bhava (conviction, attitude) that I indeed am the Supreme Brahman, which is permanent,
And be rid of uncertainty.

There is nothing as the created, the existent, & the destructible, Creator, Sustainer, Destroyer,
Ignorance, the Individual, the Mind, Bondage,
This picture of a World,
The Lord, & Delusion,
All that exists is only the Undivided Supreme Brahman.
Being again and again of the bhava (conviction, attitude) that I am That,

Become yourself the Supreme.

[selections based on Master Nome’s Self-Knowledge]

The experience of Happiness should be comprehended in Wisdom so that one does not superimpose what is not actually the experience of Happiness upon actual Happiness. The joy felt anywhere, ever, is the shining of the Self,  Yet, in Ignorance, such is accompanied by superimposition of inert, unreal Forms (particular, objective, circumstances) upon the experience of actual Happiness. When the experience of Happiness is accompanied by the Delusion of superimposition of Forms (particular, objective, circumstances), the experience of Happiness appears as if momentary, limited, & dependent. When the experience of Happiness is without such Delusion, the Self itself shines as vast, unlimited Bliss, which is self-existent.

Happiness is always a subjective experience in which the Ego diminishes along with its attendant notions. Thus, because it destroys the Ego & those notions by the revelation of their unreality, leaving the ultimate Subject unconcealed, Inquiry to know the Self yields the most profound Happiness. To set the experience of Happiness free of limitation, the Experiencer must be free of limitation, that is, free of mis-identification with Form. Then one abides in infinite, unending, intense Bliss, which is so intense that even the memory of Suffering & sorrow is erased.

[based on the Maharshi's Teaching]

The Consciousness that knows thoughts & perceptions is our Mind, which rises & is active in Waking & Dream, but which subsides in Deep Dreamless Sleep. But this rising & subsiding consciousness is not our real consciousness. We are conscious not only of the two states of Waking & Dream, in which our Mind rises to experience thoughts & perceptions, but also of a 3rd state, Deep Dreamless Sleep, in which our Mind has subsided in a state devoid of thoughts & perceptions.  

This fact that we are conscious of Deep Dreamless Sleep as a state distinct from Waking & Dream clearly indicates that we are the consciousness that underlies the rising & subsiding of the transient consciousness that we call "Mind". The consciousness that enables us to affirm confidently, "I did exist in Deep Dreamless Sleep, but I was unconscious of anything", is not our "rising consciousness" but our "being consciousness".  This "being consciousness", which exists in all our three states, is our real consciousness, & is what is truly denoted when we say "I am". Our Mind, the "rising consciousness" that appears in Waking & Dream & disappears in Deep Dreamless Sleep, is only a spurious form of consciousness, which on rising mistakes itself to be both our basic consciousness "I am" & this material Body.  Thus, by analyzing our experience in our three states of Waking, Dream & Deep Dreamless Sleep, we can understand that though we now mistake our self to be a Body limited by time & space, we are in fact the consciousness that underlies the appearance of these three states, in only two of which the Sense of being a Body & the consequent limitations of Time & Space are experienced. 

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:  

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"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth."    the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see: