Friday, January 31, 2020


[The Teaching  of Non-Duality has been adapted from Master Nome, disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi.  Sections appended below derive from Sri Ramana's Teaching.]

In our Meditation, we do not want to quarrel within our own Mind. Sri Ramana says that all such disputes are to no purpose. That is not what is to be done in Meditation. We do not want to have a quarrel within ourselves.  How should we meditate ?  How should we proceed spiritually ?  Remain in the state in which the World is not seen. Inquire & remain in the state in which there is no "I"-belief & in which there is neither a Seen nor the Seer. The Absolute alone remains, without an "I" or a "this", without an Ego-"I"-notion & a World. There is no differentiation.  In the differenceless state of your Real Existence, there is no doubt. Reality comprehends itself with a doubtless Knowledge.

The Ego-"I"-notion is the separate Experiencer, the individual Knower, the embodied Entity, the Doer of action, & the notion of an "other".  The Ego-"I"-notion itself is the concept of a separate Universe in which that "I" supposedly exists.  Upon the Ego is based the illusory differentiation of the World, the Individual, & the Supreme (jagat-jiva-para).  The 3 are not 3, but only That 1. the Non-Dual Self.  Only with the Ego does the 1 appear to be 3.  The 1 then appears as it is conceived.  The World & thought are unreal, & so is the ego. One sees the ego's guises and its appearances. Where is its existence? One sees its effects, but where is the cause? If the ego is real in any manner, it should be actually experienced. If the ego is an entity, it should exist somewhere. If the ego itself is an effect, it should have a cause. One should inquire to determine if the ego exists at all.


If there is a "goal" to be reached it cannot be permanent. The "goal" must already be there.  We seek to reach the "goal" with the Ego, but the "goal" exists before the Ego.  What is in the "goal" is even

prior to our birth, that is, to the birth of the Ego.  Because we exist the Ego appears to exist too.  If we look on the Self as the Ego then we become the Ego, if as the Mind we become the Mind, if as the Body we become the Body.

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There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.
  the “no creation” school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada
 for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Saturday, January 25, 2020


[The Teaching  of Non-Duality has been adapted from Master Nome, disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi.  Sections appended below derive from Sri Ramana's Teaching.]

Remaining without differentiation, remaining without doubt is where our Bliss lies & where our Peace is because of its nature of Bliss, that is of Happiness & Love absorption in the Absolute, remaining as the Absolute. If there are no differences, if there is no World & no "I", that is seeing no world & the clear ascertainment that there is no "I"   this is the right state remaining in That, as That itself.

This Self, which is formless Existence-Consciousness, cannot be sensed & does not have senses. It is not a sensing entity, conceived as a nexus of all the sensations, but ever unmixed Consciousness. The Self is all-seeing but eye less. In Truth, the Senses do not exist. They are only a figment of the Mind, which is in the Infinite Consciousness. Upon the substrate of the Self, which is Existence-Consciousness, there appear the Senses which are only the thought of them. The Sense objects do not separately exist, but appear only to & in the Senses. The Senses vanish, leaving the substrate (Self) unaffected & all alone. The substrate is Reality, which is un-changing. There is no actual "creation" of the Senses in that Consciousness. By this Knowledge, one remains identified as the Self & not misidentified with the Senses, which are unreal.

What & where is the Ego ?  One should inquire into this deeply to realize the natural nonEgo state, which is Blissful & Free from all Bondage & Suffering. The Ego is merely a false notion   a bare assumption—of Individuality, of a separate "I", which is the supposition of differentiation from the Absolute. The Ego has no form of its own, &, so to appear in any way it creates an Illusion of Form & attaches itself to such.  It itself appears as the misidentification with & attachment to the unreal forms of the Mind, the Senses, the Body, & the World. Thus, in the course of spiritual practice, when one destroys these misidentifications & attachments, the Ego dissolves.


Ignorance never arose. It has no real existence. That which exists is only vidya [Knowledge].  If does not realize it, such is because of the samskaras.  Find out who does not realize & what he does not realize. Then it will be clear that there is no avidya (Ignorance).

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There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.
  the “no creation” school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada
 for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Friday, January 24, 2020


[The Teaching  of Non-Duality has been adapted from Master Nome, disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi.  Sections appended below derive from Sri Ramana's Teaching.]

That which yields Liberation is that which brings about remaining without the Ego-"I"-notion  That which yields Liberation uproots the suppositions about the Individual, the World, & God.  Abandon the previous conceptions, the root conception being the Ego-"I".  Otherwise, the basic causes of Ignorance or Delusion are still there.  Actual Knowledge of your Self is necessary for Self-Realization. In the state of Self-Realization, Sri Ramana Maharshi says, "the World is not seen."  The World is "not seen" means that it is not experienced at all. So, there can no longer be any doubt regarding whether it is real or false, made of consciousness or inert, or is a place of suffering or a place of happiness. All such disputes, or thinking, depend upon the idea that the World exists. Sri Ramana says, "the world is not seen" is the seeing that "there is no World".

The Universe has no separate existence because for the Self is all in all at all times & is undifferentiated.  The Self is transcendent of the Form of all, but the Ego gives the deluded, wrong view of Duality. The Body is not one's home, for the Self is unborn & bodiless. But the Ego gives the deluded view of the Self & the Body as knotted together. Bliss is of the Eternal Self.  But the Ego gives the deluded view that Happiness is not here, not immediate & ever present as Pure Existence itself, & must be elsewhere.  The Ego appears as the knot between "Form" & the Self  which is of the nature of pure Existence-Consciousness-Bliss.  The Formless Self, Brahman, alone is ever the solitary Reality. But the Ego gives the deluded view of existent Form, of something "other "existing, of a " 2nd ".  With Self-Inquiry to determine its nature, the Ego, with all that depends upon it, "vanishes" because it is unreal.


Even after having heard this Truth, one does not remain content because samskaras [innate mental tendencies] have not been destroyed. Unless the samskaras cease to exist, there will always be doubt & confusion. All efforts are directed to destroying doubt & confusion. To do so their roots must be cut.

Their roots are the samskaras. These are rendered ineffective by practice as prescribed by the Guru.  The Guru leaves it to the seeker to do this much so that he might himself find out that there is no Ignorance.  Hearing the Truth [sravana] is the first stage.  If the understanding is not firm, one has to practice reflection [manana] & uninterrupted contemplation [nididhyasana] on it.  These 2 processes "scorch" the seeds of samskaras so that they are rendered ineffective. Some extraordinary people get unshakable jnana after hearing the Truth only once. These are the advanced seekers. Beginners take longer to gain it.

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There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.
  the “no creation” school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada
 for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Thursday, January 23, 2020


[The Teaching  of Non-Duality has been adapted from Master Nome, disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi.  Sections appended below derive from Sri Ramana's Teaching.]

In the state, where "the World is not seen", in seeing that "there is no World", all the concerns, doubts, & disagreements about what "the World" is cannot be, for the obvious reason that then there is no "World" to begin with. In that state, there is no belief in an Ego-"I" who would entertain any such ideas or who would experience such a World. The state of True Knowledge is characterized by an absence of "the World" & an absence of Ego-"I". It is the “clear ascertainment of no Ego-"I" Sri Ramana says. It is that in which there is no "I"-belief, in which there is not even a going toward the "I" & in which there is no motion to create an Ego-"I"-notion.

The Ego is the root cause of Delusion, Illusion, Bondage, & Suffering. The Ego is the root of the Mind, even the very idea of an existent Mind, & the root of all else. It is the first illusion to be imagined & the last to disappear. The Ego is the Cause, Substance, & Experiencer of all Illusion. Without the Ego, Illusion is impossible. The Ego has no actual form of its own.  The Ego may be conceived as the Experiencer, the Thinker, the Performer of action, the one who senses, the one who lives, the one who has attributes, & such.  In essence, the Ego is the concept of "I" in whatever guise it may appear.  All Duality & Ignorance is from the Ego, by the Ego, & in the Ego.


People speak of memory & forgetfulness regarding the fullness of the Self.  Forgetfulness & memory are only thought-forms. They will alternate so long as there are thoughts. But Reality lies beyond thought. Memory or forgetfulness must be dependent on something.  That something must be foreign to the Self as well, otherwise there would not be forgetfulness. That upon which memory & oblivion depend is the idea of the Individual self.  When one looks for it, this individual "I" is not found because it is not real. Hence this "I"  is synonymous with Illusion or Ignorance (maya, avidya or ajnana)To know that there never was Ignorance is the goal of all the spiritual teachings. Ignorance must be of one who is conscious. Consciousness is jnana. jnana is Eternal & Natural, ajnana is unnatural & unreal.

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There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.
  the “no creation” school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada
 for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


[The Teaching  of Non-Duality has been adapted from Master Nome, disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi.  Sections appended below derive from Sri Ramana's Teaching.]

That in which there is neither "I" nor "this", no notion of "this", no definition of "this", no notion of "this", & no definition of "I". Discarding of definitions is the True State of Knowledge. It is remaining without differentiation, & without doubt.  Indeed, the differenceless state is alone the doubtless state. Where there are differences, there are doubts.  Where there is no conception of difference, we no longer have any doubt regarding the Reality. We know it to be the Self.

Self-Realization is the Egoless state.  Freedom from the Ego is the essence of Liberation.  It is remaining in the Self as the Self.  The falsely assumed individualized "I" is completely removed by Self-Knowledge, & the one true "I",  the I of the "I", alone remains.  This Self is referred to by the Ramana Maharshi, Ribhu, & other sages as, "I-I". That true "I-I" is the "I" in the statement, "I am the Absolute" (aham brahamasmi).  In the Realization of the significance of that Mahavakya (great aphorism) of the Upanishad, "I am the Absolute" Sri Sankara explains: the entire notion of "I" is removed.  The notion of "I" is removed just like the idea, "a man is here" that has been conceived when Mis-perceiving a Post in the darkness. That Mis-perception is completely removed upon light being brought to see more clearly. Brahman alone exists & Brahman alone knows Brahman.  When the "I" (ahamkara) is removed, all of "mine" (mamakara) is also removed since the latter is completely dependent upon the delusion of "I".


The nature of Bondage is merely the rising, ruinous thought, "I am different from Reality."  Since one surely cannot remain separate from Reality, reject that thought whenever it rises.

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There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.
  the “no creation” school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada
 for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


[The Teaching  of Non-Duality has been adapted from Master Nome, disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi.  Sections appended below derive from Sri Ramana's Teaching.]

Remaining without the Ego-"I"-notion is not only best; it is really the only way. Anything else is merely dreaming.  Furthermore, a truly spiritual approach questions & discerns the nature of the approach, itself.  If we keep the same suppositions & merely accrue information within that context, what have we really done in the name of spirituality ? Unless you question & discern the very nature of the “I,” & thereby unravel the conceptions of the Individual, the World, & Supreme, no lasting benefit occurs. The true expansion from the Illusion of Duality to the Reality of Non-Duality does not occur, unless there is some means by which one remains devoid of the Ego-"I"-notion. Self-Inquiry is that means. Otherwise, one will just have new names for the same suppositions that constituted the Illusion, but the purpose of the instruction by Wise Sages, from time immemorial, is not to reinforce the same Delusion that is already there. To the contrary, the purpose of the instruction is to show something that was not known before & to undo what was thought to be known before.

The Self is not in the Mind, though it alone pervades it to such an extent that the distinctions of Pervader & Pervaded do not exist.  Though thought exists only as the Self, the Self has never become a thought & has never given rise to thought.  Thought is entirely unreal & does not exist at all.  The Self alone exists & it is 1withouta2nd. The Mind exists nowhere but in the Self, yet there is truly no Mind in the Self.  The True Nature of the Mind is only the Self.  There is truly no Mind at all, & the Self alone exists. In the Knowledge of the Non-Dual, invariable Consciousness there is no such thing as the Mind & yet Consciousness is the only true nature of the Mind.


Just as water in a pot reflects the enormous Sun within the narrow limits of the pot, even so the vasanas or latent tendencies of the Mind of the Individual, acting as the reflecting medium, catch the all-pervading, infinite Light of Consciousness. The form of this reflection is the phenomenon called the "Mind".  Seeing only this reflection, the unrealized is deluded into the belief that he is a finite being, the jiva, the Individual self.

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There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.
  the “no creation” school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada
 for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Sunday, January 19, 2020


[The Teaching  of Non-Duality has been adapted from Master Nome, disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi.  Sections appended below derive from Sri Ramana's Teaching.]

One imagines that he knows about the World, or the Universe, both in gross (physical) forms & in subtle (astral"prana"energy) forms, his so-called “outer experience” of that World & his mental impressions of it.  He thinks that he knows about himself, what he is like, & what he is not like. With the ideas of "I am this", "I am that", "I am not like this", "I am not like that", "I have these qualities", "I have this history & this memory", & such, the Individual is thus defined. Then, he enters into the field of spirituality. He hears about the Supreme Self, or about the Supreme Lord, & whatever ideas are fashioned from the perspective of that Individual he takes to be the reality. It is better if all that effort is oriented toward what is Non-Dual & deeply spiritual, in contrast to that which is merely Worldly or Dual, but the best of al Sri Ramana proclaims, is remaining without ("abidance void", sunya-nistha) the Ego-"I"-notion.

The unreal is not an attribute of the Reality, the Self. The unreal is not experienced by the Reality, which is of the nature of Being-Consciousness-Bliss. What is not real and what is not experienced in or of the real does not exist. Thus, there are neither thoughts nor states. One vast Consciousness is. The mind does not bind the Self, for it does not define or limit the Self, does not divide the Self, and does not alter the Self. The Self is not bound, for the mind has no independent existence. The Self is not bound, for there is nothing other than the Self and, therefore, no mind at all. The mind is nowhere but in the Self, yet, in the Self, there is no mind.


Just as water in a pot reflects the enormous Sun within the narrow limits of the pot, even so the vasanas or latent tendencies of the Mind of the Individual, acting as the reflecting medium, catch the all-pervading, infinite Light of Consciousness. The form of this reflection is the phenomenon called the "Mind".  Seeing only this reflection, the unrealized is deluded into the belief that he is a finite being, the jiva, the Individual self.

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There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.
  the “no creation” school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada
 for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Friday, January 17, 2020


[The Teaching  of Non-Duality has been adapted from Master Nome, disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi.  Sections appended below derive from Sri Ramana's Teaching.]

If the Knower, or the knowing Essence, is assumed to be an individual knower, everything that he knows is just a pack of suppositions & deluded guess work.  Whatever we think we know about the World or any aspect of it & whatever we think we know about the Supreme Self are just suppositions.  If we say to ourselves that we know such & such about the Supreme Self, the belief or conviction is good as far as it goes.  But for real Knowledge we must remain free of the Ego-"I"-notion.  Then the Absolute (Brahman), or the Supreme Self (Atman), knows Itself.

Thought, both as particular thoughts and as thinking itself, is not an attribute of Consciousness. A true attribute would need to be with that to which it is attributed always. Consciousness is not, by nature, a thought; nor does it have thought always. Therefore, thought is not the attribute of the attributeless Consciousness. Thought cannot exist without Consciousness. Consciousness exists without thought. The self-existent is alone real, and the dependent does not truly exist. Thus, in reality, thought is unreal and the Self alone is real.


The unrealized sees only the Mind which is a mere reflection of the Light of Pure Consciousness. Of the Self itself he is ignorant. Why ?  Because his Mind is extroverted & has never sought its Source.

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There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.
  the “no creation” school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada
 for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Master Nome

[The Teaching  of Non-Duality has been adapted from Master Nome, disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi.  Sections appended below derive from Sri Ramana's Teaching.]

If we make definitions to help us reach spiritual understanding, we soon have definitions about formulating definitions, & even the negation of definitions.  Self-Inquiry gets rid of suppositions & self-created doctrines fall by the wayside.  Whether we go through all the thinking ir directly inquire, we must in the end actually inquire in our True Nature & arrive at the dissolution of the Ego-"I"-notion.  We must come to know the Self.  Again, knowing the Self  is not a matter of making definitions, conceiving of ideas, or giving names to things.  In Knowledge of the Self, the Individuality that is falsely assumed must dissolve.  There, all doubts are dissolved & all questions are answered.

Each thought depends completely on Consciousness & is never known or experienced apart from Consciousness.  Each thought appears & disappears in Consciousness alone. So thought is just Consciousness viewed as such. Thought is said to be a mental mode (vritti), a modification, or a form of Consciousness. Consciousness, itself, is forever formless, unmodified, and has no modes, for it is changeless and eternal. How can there be a form of the formless or a modification of the changeless? Or, how can there be a mode for the birthless and the eternal? Thought has no real existence. It is like a snake imagined in a rope or the waters of a mirage.


The unrealized sees only the Mind which is a mere reflection of the Light of Pure Consciousness. Of the Self itself he is ignorant. Why ?  Because his Mind is extroverted & has never sought its Source.

The above themes & 2500 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole

occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through 

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This blog is also available on:

There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.
  the “no creation” school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada
 for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Monday, January 13, 2020


young Ramana Maharshi

[The Teaching  of Non-Duality has been adapted from Master Nome, disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi.  Sections appended below derive from Sri Ramana's Teaching.]

Undisputed Knowledge of the Reality is necessary & not a supposition. There is nothing to "figure out" regarding Reality. Real Knowledge is not the end result of a long thinking process. There is no trick needed for Self-Realization.  See the distinction between suppositions & real Knowledge. It is the difference between doctrine & the true teaching. The true teaching is found in abidance in the “I”-less state and not in defining illusions. Knowing more about illusions is not wisdom or real Knowledge. Knowing the Self is real Knowledge. Knowledge of the Self is directly realized by the elimination of the Ego-"I" that would suppose, or could conjure up, any idea or any kind of Illusion.

In final Truth, there are no States of Mind & no Mind, & the Self is neither a Cause nor an Experiencer.  Each thought may be regarded as affecting only other thoughts.  Such is because the Self is ever the unaffected silent Witness of all thoughts.  Each thought has nothing that actually connects it to another thought.  All the thoughts are supported by Consciousness alone. Thought has no knowing power.  A thought cannot know itself, nor can it know another thought.  No thought is self-existent.


In a parable, a man goes to sleep in this hall.  He dreams he has gone on a world tour, is roaming over hill & dale, forest & country, desert & sea, across various continents & after many years of weary & strenuous travel, returns to this place & enters the hall.  Just at that moment he wakes up & finds he has not moved an inch but was sleeping where he lay down.  He has not returned after great effort to this hall, but is & always has been in the hall all the while.  It is exactly like that.  If it is asked, "Why being free do we imagine that we are bound ?" I answer, "Why being in the hall did you imagine you were on a world adventure, crossing hill & dale, desert & sea ?  It is all Mind or Maya [illusion].

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This blog is also available on:

There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.
  the “no creation” school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada
 for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Sri Ramana Maharshi

[after an extended lapse in blogger's health]

[The Teaching  of Non-Duality has been adapted from Master Nome, disciple of Sri Ramana Maharshi.  Sections appended below derive from Sri Ramana's Teaching.]

Spiritual progress is determined by the depth of realizing "I" less Self-Knowledge. The dissolution of the "I" that conceives of this World; that conceives of "myself" as an Individual, the Jiva; & of the Supreme Self that dissolution of the "I" is the liberating Wisdom. Yet Knowledge in its depth does not have a cause it is inherent in the Self. The Self "sees" from behind you. Take up that his perspective.  When they are in the spirit of Self-Inquiry, the raising of questions serves to dissolve the "I" & whatever suppositions are built upon that "I".  The reason for the doubt, which the questioning seeks to resolve or destroy, is always this assumption of "I", & all the suppositions come out from there. Whether they be elaborate, well-formulated doctrines or just wild, individualized suppositions, all of them come forth from this one “I”-notion.

There are no aspects or phases of homogeneous Consciousness, which is partless. Since It is Existence-Consciousness, the Self passes unaffected through the 3 States, unmoved by the presence or absence of thoughts in any of their forms.  Yet how can the Self, being Infinite, pass through anything else (such as a State) ?  The States revolve in the Self, not the Self in them. Yet how can there be anything but the Self in that undifferentiated Reality ?  The Self is Infinite, detached, unaffected, Reality devoid of misperception & nonperception, with no Cause & having no Effect.


Even the thought, "I do not realize" is a hindrance.  In fact, the Self alone is.  Our real nature is LiberationBut we are imagining we are bound & are making various, strenuous attempts to become free, while we are all the while free.  This will be understood only when we reach that stage.  We will be surprised that we were frantically trying to attain something which we have always been & are.

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occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through 

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This blog is also available on:

There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.
  the “no creation” school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada
 for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see: