Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Reality 22
Desire and fear agitate our Mind, and obscure from its view the Happiness that always exists within it. When a desire is satisfied, or the cause of a fear is removed, the surface agitation of our Mind subsides, and in that temporary calm our Mind enjoys a taste of its own innate Happiness. Happiness is thus a state of Pure Existence a State in which our Mind’s habitual agitation is calmed. The activity of our Mind disturbs it from its calm state of just being, & causes it to lose sight of its own innermost Happiness. To enjoy Happiness, therefore, all our Mind need do is to cease all activity, returning calmly to its natural state of inactive being, as it does daily in Deep Dreamless Sleep.
That "inner place" in which you felt that certainty of your Existence, & also that certainty of your knowing so, your Consciousness, is actually the same "place". Moreover that "place" is not a place, having size or shape, & has no location in Space, or in Time for that matter. The very same "place" where you are certain of your Consciousness, that "place" is actually your Consciousness itself. As also the very same "place" where you are certain of your Existence, it truly is your Existence, it is what you are, your Self.
And not only your Self, but the same is my Self, & the Self of everyone & all that exist, have ever existed, or will ever exist. That singular Existence or Being is the literal Truth proclaimed by Parmenides & Shankara, by Huang Po, Meister Eckhart, Ib'n al Arabi, Brahmagna Ma, & Ananda Ma. The point being that no culture, gender, creed, or period of history has unique claim to this recognition, this Knowledge known as the Perennial Philosophy.

Further observations include the fact that very same not-a-place "place" or Brahman or the Self is also experienced routinely as the Source of Happiness, Love, Bliss, Joy, Peace, Satisfaction, Freedom & the like. These are all one with Consciousness & Being. Though Happinessinfull is more often the complete "reference value" we all intuit, perfect Happiness, the goal, whether we currently believe it to be attained or not. That Source of Happiness is the same "place" where true Happiness (not mere pleasure or triumph) is actually felt, routinely. Even the sense of its lack could be said to be felt there along with all negative emotions that seem "negative" so by coloration with conceptual self-delusion.

The Self is inward, Most Inward, totally non-objective.  The Self is the Consciousness "looking out" & nothing can look at that Consciousness.  Trying to turn Consciousness in to look at itself is Self-Inquiry or Self-Attention or Abidance.  Who am I ?  may start as examination of the Individual one imagines oneself to be.  Under scrutiny [to be detailed in later Blogs], the EgoI vanishes, like dust against the brilliance of the Self, Pure Consciousness. Along with the vanishing, one gains direct "vision" of the Self, but not as an Object.   The Non-Objective is Formless, Limitless, not separate from all that is Real.

The above themes & 1600 pages more are freely available as perused or downloaded PDF’s, the sole occupants of a Public Microsoft Skydrive “Public Folder” accessible through:  

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Duplicate blogs available on:

"There is no Creation, no Destruction, no Bondage, no longing to be freed from Bondage, no striving for Liberation, nor anyone who has attained Liberation. Know that this to be Ultimate Truth.

   the "no creation" school of Gaudapada, Shankara, Ramana, Nome  Ajata Vada

for very succinct summary of the teaching & practice, see:

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